Now in order to free up that keyboard command what we needed to do is move the Show/Hide object command to CMD- or Ctrl-, This brings both of those shortcuts in line with other Adobe applications like Photoshop or Illustrator. Notice I can lock and unlock guides here as well.
Notice that we have a keyboard command for this as well, which is CMD- on the Mac or Ctrl- on Windows. What I can do is pull down under View to Guides and select Hide all Guides. So if I want to hide all of the guides on the canvas, let's go ahead and zoom out here for a moment. If I'm done aligning everything and it's in good shape, and I want to go back to designing, I can hide all of the guides using keyboard commands as well. Well, now that I have this set if I zoom in on any one of my artboards and start to press and drag content, those will now snap to the guides, letting me know where I am in relationship to them. So pasting what's on the clipboard there to all of the active artboards.
I can then come in under View again under Guides and say Paste Guides, or a little more handy, I can just come to a keyboard command here and type CMD-v on the Mac or Ctrl-v on Windows to just paste the guides. I can tell that they're selected because they have that blue selection color. To do that I'm going to come in and press and drag to select all of the artboards that I want to apply the guides to. With those guides on the clipboard now, I want to paste them to my destination artboards. From there I want to pull down on View > Guides, and select Copy Guides from the menu. I then want to come in and select either the artboard that I have the guides on, or any one object within that artboard, just so that that artboards is in a selected state. So to do that, I'll go ahead and zoom out a bit so I can see the other artboards. Now that I have those guides all set with the first artboard, I want to apply the same set of guides to these other artboards that I'm working on. And already I can see that my header content needs to adjust a little bit to be balanced between those margins, I'm going to press and drag one more guide from the top just below this button here, and then I'll release. Once again, I'm going to press and drag and come all the way to about 25 pixels in from the right-hand side. So I'm going to drag until I get to about 25 pixels from the left and I'll release. Notice as I do so, I'm now getting an indicator that lets me know how far away from the left or right side of the artboard I am. Next, I want to drag some guides from the left, so I'll come to the left-hand side and press and drag a guide. I'm going to go ahead and bring it back up towards the top and drop it just below the iOS elements right about there. Notice that as I drag down the Y value in the tooltip here is coming up to let me know where I am as I drag. If I want a smooth drag I can hold CTRL on the Macintosh or CMD on Windows and it will ignore any of the objects on the design canvas. That's because it's snapping to actual elements that are on the artboard. You'll notice it seems a bit jumpy as I'm dragging. I'm going to press and drag the guide down. From there, when I'm ready to add a guide to my artboard, what I want to do is move my cursor to slightly above the artboard when I want to drag a guide from the top, or slightly to the left of the artboard to drag a guide from the left. To begin with, I'm going to zoom in on this first artboard so that I can see the details just a bit more.

I want to do a quick check to see if I've placed them in the right position on each of the artboards. And if you'll notice the same iOS controls are on pretty much all of the artboards that I'm looking at. I'm working on a design flow here representing a mobile interface. With the new artboard guide feature in Adobe XD, adding guides to artboards is as simple as pressing and dragging and duplicating those guides is an absolute breeze.